Capturing Mystical Moments

In the words of Ansel Adams:
“A great photograph is one that fully expresses what one feels, in the deepest sense, about what is being photographed.”
Photography is the art of seeing and Ansel Adams’s quote sums it up perfectly. Simply put, In the world of smartphones and micro cameras, everyone can take pictures but does everyone really take the time to “see” the subject? In my opinion, this defines the difference between a serious photographer and someone taking a snapshot.
I created Mystical Moments Photography as a means to showcase my passion for the art of photography. Social media sites although having a large following were just too confining and had no eCommerce capabilities. Facebook Groups, do a good job for the limited purposes that they were created for but for the most part, are also too restrictive. Photographs have to be of a certain city, geographical area, or genre. The worst part of Groups though is that you post to them at the whim of the Admin. Promoting your work or talking about yourself will get you kicked out. Here, I have the freedom to post what I want
I hope you enjoy my work and please feel free to leave a comment on the Comment page.